Nginx Installation

Installing Nginx frontend in Debian server. At first, i want to say what for different Debian builds is available own the maximal revision. Example, Debian 8.0 supporting only Nginx 1.6.2 revision. For getting the actual revision you need upgrade your system up to maximal stable version (if you uses oldest version).

Also, keep in mind what Nginx server don’t updating independently and you need updating manually. Before updating you need delete the old version (do backup all configs) and after to install the new version and restore backup.

1. Add repository links to the end of this file /etc/apt/sources.list for easy installation and updating package from repository in future.

deb codename nginx
deb-src codename nginx

where, codename it’s a string name of OS build. For 7.x – wheezy, for 8.x – jessie. How to add this from Putty console. Type command nano /etc/apt/sources.list, after addition press Ctrl + o for saving changes and Ctrl + x for exit from the text editor Nano.

2. Download and register signed key for this package in system.

apt-key add nginx_signing.key
rm nginx_signing.key

3. Checking system updates and installing Nginx.

apt-get update
apt-get install nginx

4. After completing installation you can check the actual version of installed Nginx. Type in console:

nginx -v

Installation is done.

For control this application available next commands:

service nginx start|reload|restart|stop

If you installed server from sources, then you need add Nginx server in autorun list. More useful info about Nginx available on the official site.

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