Fully decompiled, normalized and tested launcher from L2 Shrine project. Updater was written on WinForms with usage .NET Framework 3.5. This enough for running on the Windows XP. Special thanks to the author of this project for not using an obfuscator and for allowing me to borrow some “tricks” from the updater.
[Source Code] Unreal Tournament 2003
All files contained here are the property of Epic Games, Inc. They are provided without warranty, and under the same terms as the Unreal retail license agreement: You may use them for your personal. Original source code Unreal Tournament 2003 v2107 2002-10-01 from public SVN.
Disabling a spells of all shots
Some time ago i helped someone with disabling shot spells. So, the next code it’s more elegant solution than my previous guide. Example of course will for aCis but adapt for any other pack not a problem, i guess.
[Code] L2OFF Game Server Status
This is retail implementation for getting L2OFF data for site w/o direct connections to database, etc. NC Soft uses it for all gameservers. You can try to check it. If you want to use it for L2J server then you need implement responce for ProtocolVersion -3 in gameserver code. Many times ago i’m used it for getting info from L2OFF servers and for own project site. As example L2ON.NET still uses it.
Cleanup Admin Inventory
Every time after something was tested on the server, the admin accumulates unnecessary items in the inventory that require a lot of time to be removed. This little addon is cleanup self inventory. Ignores only Adena.